Marvel Comics Reveals New Avengers Roster and Creative Team for 2023

The Cyber Tunnel

We've known for a while that Avengers writer Jason Aaron is wrapping up his five-year run on the series. Now Marvel has revealed the first details about the relaunched series debuting in May 2023, including the new Avengers team roster and the creative team involved.

The latest volume of The Avengers will be helmed by writer Jed MacKay (Moon Knight) and artist C.F. Villa (X-Men). The duo previously collaborated on Black Cat. Spinning out of MacKay's work on the recent Timeless #1 one-shot issue, the new series will pit a streamlined version of the Avengers against Kang the Conqueror and the mysterious team known as the Twilight Court.

Whereas Aaron's Avengers team consists of a mixture of traditional favorites and more unusual recruits like Blade and Ghost Rider, MacKay and Villa's Avengers roster is geared toward the former, albeit with a few fun wrinkles. While the team includes the obligatory Avengers Trinity of Captain America, Iron Man and Thor, Sam Wilson is wielding the shield rather than Steve Rogers. And this time, Captain Marvel is the designated leader. The roster also includes Black Panther and the highly dysfunctional duo that is Scarlet Witch and Vision.

Marvel's press release teases that the series will be anchored around a concept known as Tribulation Events - dramatic threats to Earth's existence that will drag the individual team members through dark personal odysseys. The first of these Tribulation Events arrives when the world eater known as Terminus attacks.

"I'm extremely excited to be launching the latest chapter of Avengers with my old Black Cat teammate C.F. Villa!” MacKay said in a statement. “I grew up on the Avengers, weaving in and out of their 60s and 70s exploits as a kid, and having the opportunity to plot the course of Earth's Mightiest Heroes is a rush, especially coming from the street-level and/or weirdo niche I've been working in over the last couple of years. This is big, loud Avengers stuff—nothing in this story should ever feel small or inconsequential, and our lineup reflects that. Heavy hitters and iconic Avengers are to the fore—The Tribulation Events are coming, and only the Avengers can take them on."

The Avengers #1 will release on May 17, 2023. Marvel will also feature some of Villa's concept art for the series in February's Stormbreakers 2023 Sketchbook #1.

This may not be the only new Avengers comic launching in 2023. Marvel recently teased the possible return of Uncanny Avengers as part of the publisher's Free Comic Book Day promotion. They also revealed Aaron will be returning to the Star Wars franchise as one of the creators involved in the anthology series Darth Vader: Black, White & Red.

Jesse is a mild-mannered staff writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter.

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