Resident Evil Village's Shadows of Rose DLC Will 'Conclude the Winters Family Saga'

The Cyber Tunnel

Resident Evil Village's story DLC arrives on October 28, and we're now learning that Shadows of Rose's roughly four-hours of content will wrap up the Winters family's major role in the Resident Evil series.

Spoiler Warning: This story contains spoilers for Resident Evil Village.

Speaking to IGN Japan at Tokyo Game Show, Director Kento Kinoshita said Capcom is "creating the Shadows of Rose story to conclude the Winters family saga." This means that wherever Resident Evil goes for the next main entry will likely introduce a new set of faces, or return to characters we haven't seen in some time.

As for what fans can expect from future RE entries, Producer Masachika Kawata just laughed after saying they could "absolutely not" share any of their future plans.

The Winters family consists of Ethan Winters, who is the primary protaganist of Resident Evil VII and Village, as well as his wife, Mia, and their daughter, Rose. In Resident Evil Village's post-credits scene, we see that Rose is now a teenager, and is working with Chris Redfield. There was also a tease that Ethan is still alive at the end of the game, so it seems the upcoming DLC will provide answers on that front as well.

Kawata and Kinoshita also spoke about the new third-person mode coming to Resident Evil Village's Gold Edition, saying they wanted fans to look at the mode and wonder "did they make this in third-person from the beginning?"

"That took about as much effort as creating a new game," Kawata said. "Even the same game can be a very different experience when played in third-person."

Kinoshita also spoke to the work involved in the third-person mode, pointing out details that make it clear that Village's third-person gameplay should stand up to other entries in the series.

"You know, we felt we had to make something as good or better than Resident Evil RE: 2 and RE: 3," Kinoshita said. "Compared to the previous games in the series, Resident Evil Village has an exceptionally large variety of player actions. You can guard, you can move while crouching, and there is a lot of examining objects. We made thorough adjustments to ensure that those unique animations would look completely connected, and that it would be playable at a good tempo."

For more on Resident Evil, check out the series of cloud-based RE games heading to Nintendo Switch. Or, learn about everything else Resident Evil from TGS.

Logan Plant is a freelance writer for IGN covering video game and entertainment news. He has over six years of experience in the gaming industry with bylines at IGN, Nintendo Wire, Switch Player Magazine, and Lifewire. Find him on Twitter @LoganJPlant.

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